Краткое содержание повести Конан Дойла Собака Баскервилей на русском языке

Краткое содержание повести Конан Дойла Собака Баскервилей на русском языке Краткие пересказы

A Short Summary of «The Hound of the Baskervilles» in English

Sir Charles Baskerville is found dead on the moor, seemingly from a heart attack.​ However, rumors swirl about a curse on the Baskerville family, involving a demonic hound.​ Dr.​ Mortimer, a friend of Sir Charles, seeks help from Sherlock Holmes to protect Sir Henry Baskerville, the heir to the estate.​


«The Hound of the Baskervilles,» a masterpiece of detective fiction by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, introduces us to the iconic detective duo, Sherlock Holmes and Dr.​ John Watson, as they grapple with a chilling mystery set against the backdrop of the desolate and eerie Dartmoor moors in England.​ The novel opens with a sense of foreboding, as Dr.​ Mortimer, a respected physician, presents Holmes with a perplexing case that has left him deeply troubled.​

Dr.​ Mortimer reveals the legend of the Hound of the Baskervilles, a supernatural entity said to haunt his friend’s family. The recent death of Sir Charles Baskerville, under mysterious circumstances, has rekindled fears of the curse, with whispers of a spectral hound seen near the body.​ Intrigued by the blend of the supernatural and the potentially mundane, Holmes takes on the case, eager to separate fact from folklore.​

The arrival of Sir Henry Baskerville, the heir to the Baskerville estate, from Canada adds another layer of complexity to the case. While Sir Henry initially dismisses the legend as mere superstition, strange occurrences begin to plague him soon after his arrival in London.​ An ominous warning letter, a missing boot, and the lurking presence of a mysterious figure heighten the sense of danger surrounding him.​

With Dr. Watson as his trusted companion and chronicler, Holmes embarks on an investigation that leads them deep into the heart of Dartmoor. As they navigate the treacherous moors, they encounter a cast of suspicious characters, each with their secrets and motives.​ The isolation of Baskerville Hall, shrouded in mist and legend, amplifies the feeling of unease and suspicion that permeates the narrative.​

The Curse of the Baskervilles

Central to the mystery of «The Hound of the Baskervilles» is the chilling legend of the curse that has haunted the Baskerville family for generations. Dr.​ Mortimer, deeply steeped in local lore, reveals the origins of the curse, recounting the tale of Hugo Baskerville, a wild and wicked ancestor known for his cruelty.​

According to legend, Hugo, consumed by lust, kidnapped a young woman from a neighboring village.​ As she attempted to escape his clutches, he pursued her relentlessly across the moor.​ However, his pursuit was cut short as a monstrous hound, said to have emerged from the very depths of hell, appeared and tore him to shreds.

The legend warns that the same gruesome fate awaits any Baskerville who dares to venture onto the moor under the light of the moon. The tale has been passed down through generations, instilling fear and caution in the hearts of the Baskerville family.​ The recent death of Sir Charles, who suffered a fatal heart attack on the moor, seems to confirm the curse’s potency.

Dr. Mortimer’s account of the curse sets the stage for a story steeped in gothic atmosphere and supernatural dread.​ The desolate beauty of the moors, shrouded in mist and legend, becomes a breeding ground for fear and suspicion. The hound, described as a demonic entity with glowing eyes and a blood-curdling howl, serves as a chilling embodiment of the curse’s power.​

While Sherlock Holmes, a man of logic and reason, initially dismisses the curse as mere superstition, he recognizes its psychological impact on the characters involved. The legend serves as a powerful motivator for potential adversaries seeking to exploit the Baskerville family’s vulnerability.​ As the investigation unfolds, Holmes must determine whether the hound is a figment of imagination or a tangible threat, and whether its presence is merely coincidental or the result of a cunning plan fueled by greed and the desire for revenge.​

Sherlock Holmes’ Investigation

Sherlock Holmes, renowned for his methodical approach and keen observation, embarks on a multifaceted investigation to unravel the truth behind the Baskerville curse and the mysterious death of Sir Charles.​ While initially remaining in London to gather information, he dispatches his trusted companion, Dr.​ Watson, to Dartmoor to observe Sir Henry and report any suspicious activities.

Through a series of astute deductions and carefully orchestrated inquiries, Holmes begins to piece together the puzzle.​ He meticulously examines the evidence, including the death scene, the warning letter sent to Sir Henry, and the mysterious footprint found near Sir Charles’ body.​ His sharp mind detects inconsistencies and hidden clues that elude others.​

Holmes’ investigation leads him to explore the murky past of the Baskerville family, uncovering long-held secrets and simmering resentments.​ He delves into the lives of the inhabitants of Dartmoor, including the enigmatic Stapleton siblings, the secretive Barrymore couple who serve at Baskerville Hall, and the escaped convict lurking on the moor.​

Recognizing the dangers posed to Sir Henry, Holmes employs a combination of disguise, surveillance, and strategic manipulation to protect his client and draw out the culprit.​ He carefully analyzes the motives of the suspects, considering those who might benefit from Sir Henry’s demise or wish to capitalize on the legend of the hound.​

Throughout his investigation, Holmes faces a constant struggle between the rational and the inexplicable.​ While he remains skeptical of the supernatural, he acknowledges the power of fear and superstition to influence human behavior.​ His brilliant deduction and unwavering determination ultimately lead him to a startling revelation, exposing the true nature of the threat facing the Baskervilles and bringing a cunning adversary to justice.​

The Hound’s True Nature

As Sherlock Holmes delves deeper into the mystery surrounding the Hound of the Baskervilles, he uncovers a truth far more sinister and calculated than mere superstition.​ The hound, once believed to be a supernatural entity, is revealed to be a very real and deadly creature, manipulated by a cunning human hand for nefarious purposes.

Through careful observation and deduction, Holmes discovers that the hound’s eerie glow, attributed to its demonic origins, is in fact the result of phosphorus, applied to its fur to instill terror in its victims.​ The hound itself, while large and fearsome, is not a mythical beast but a carefully trained animal, driven to aggression by its master.​

The mastermind behind this elaborate scheme is revealed to be none other than Jack Stapleton, a seemingly amiable naturalist with a deep fascination for the moor and its inhabitants.​ Driven by greed and a twisted sense of entitlement, Stapleton seeks to claim the Baskerville fortune for himself.​

Stapleton’s knowledge of the moors, his expertise in entomology, and his cunning manipulation of local legends allow him to operate undetected, using the hound as a weapon to eliminate any obstacles standing in his way.​ He exploits the fear surrounding the curse, leading his victims to their deaths under the cover of darkness and superstition.

The revelation of the hound’s true nature highlights the danger of blindly accepting legends and the importance of seeking rational explanations for seemingly supernatural events.​ It is through Holmes’ unwavering logic, his ability to see through deception, and his determination to separate fact from fiction that the truth is ultimately revealed, exposing the darkness lurking beneath the surface of the seemingly idyllic Dartmoor.​


As the chilling events at Baskerville Hall culminate in a dramatic showdown on the desolate Grimpen Mire, Sherlock Holmes’s brilliance and unwavering pursuit of justice prevail.​ The sinister plot orchestrated by Jack Stapleton is exposed, his true identity as a Baskerville descendant desperate to claim the family fortune revealed.​

With the hound’s true nature unveiled and Stapleton’s scheme thwarted, a sense of relief washes over the narrative.​ The curse that has haunted the Baskerville family for generations is finally lifted, the reign of fear and uncertainty broken. Justice is served, but not without casualties, as Stapleton, consumed by his own greed and desperation, meets a fittingly grim end in the treacherous mire.​

The conclusion of «The Hound of the Baskervilles» reinforces the power of reason and deduction in overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles, even when faced with the weight of superstition and fear. Holmes, through his meticulous observation and unwavering logic, triumphs over deception and restores order to the eerie landscape of Dartmoor.​

The novel leaves a lasting impression, reminding readers that even in the face of the unknown and the seemingly supernatural, rational explanations can be found. It underscores the importance of critical thinking, the dangers of blind faith, and the enduring power of truth to prevail over darkness; As the mists recede from the moor, a sense of hope lingers, suggesting that even in the shadow of tragedy, life, and justice can find a way forward.​

Коротко о главных персонажах

Sherlock Holmes⁚ The renowned detective, known for his sharp intellect, keen observation skills, and deductive reasoning.​ Holmes is a master of disguise and a master strategist, always several steps ahead of his adversaries.​ He approaches the case with a healthy dose of skepticism towards the supernatural, seeking logical explanations for the seemingly inexplicable.​

Dr; John Watson⁚ Holmes’s loyal companion and the narrator of the story. Watson is a skilled physician and a veteran of the Afghan War.​ While not as intellectually gifted as Holmes, he is observant, resourceful, and brave.​ He provides a grounded perspective to Holmes’s more eccentric nature, often serving as a sounding board for his theories.

Sir Henry Baskerville⁚ The last surviving heir to the Baskerville fortune, recently arrived from Canada.​ Sir Henry is a kind and courageous man, initially dismissive of the legend of the hound.​ However, as strange events unfold, he finds himself drawn into the mystery surrounding his family.​

Dr.​ James Mortimer⁚ A respected physician and friend of the late Sir Charles Baskerville.​ Dr.​ Mortimer is deeply knowledgeable about local lore and the legend of the hound.​ He seeks Holmes’s help to protect Sir Henry, fearing that the curse may claim another victim.​

Jack Stapleton⁚ A seemingly amiable naturalist living near Baskerville Hall, with a keen interest in butterflies and moths.​ Stapleton presents himself as a friendly and helpful neighbor, but beneath his charming facade lies a cunning and ruthless mind.​ He is the primary antagonist of the story, driven by greed and a desire to claim the Baskerville fortune for himself.

Beryl Stapleton⁚ Jack Stapleton’s wife, known to others as his sister.​ Beryl is a beautiful and enigmatic woman, trapped in an unhappy marriage.​ She possesses knowledge of her husband’s true nature and the danger he poses to others. Though fearful of her husband, she attempts to warn Sir Henry of the danger he faces.​

Mr.​ and Mrs. Barrymore⁚ The butler and housekeeper at Baskerville Hall, a devoted couple with a secret of their own.​ Mr. Barrymore is a stern but loyal servant, while Mrs. Barrymore is a kind-hearted woman prone to bouts of weeping. Their connection to the escaped convict on the moor adds another layer of intrigue to the story.

Selden⁚ An escaped convict hiding on the moor, adding to the sense of unease and danger surrounding Baskerville Hall.​ Selden’s presence raises questions about his motives and potential involvement in the mystery.​ He becomes entangled in the events surrounding the hound, ultimately meeting a tragic end.​

These characters, each with their secrets, motivations, and connections to the Baskerville family and the legend of the hound, create a complex web of relationships that Holmes and Watson must navigate to uncover the truth. Their interactions, often shrouded in suspicion and fear, drive the narrative forward, building suspense and leading to a satisfyingly shocking conclusion.

Краткий выво

«The Hound of the Baskervilles» stands as a masterpiece of detective fiction, seamlessly blending elements of mystery, suspense, and Gothic horror.​ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle masterfully weaves a tale that keeps readers on the edge of their seats from the eerie opening to the satisfyingly shocking conclusion.​

Set against the backdrop of the desolate and atmospheric Dartmoor moors, the novel draws readers into a world of ancient curses, family secrets, and unexplained phenomena.​ The legend of the hound, a spectral beast said to haunt the Baskerville family, casts a long shadow over the narrative, fueling fear and suspicion among those connected to the Baskerville name.​

Through the keen intellect and deductive prowess of Sherlock Holmes, the seemingly supernatural events surrounding the Baskerville curse are meticulously unraveled, revealing a truth far more human and sinister.​ As Holmes peels back the layers of deception, he exposes a cunning adversary driven by greed, envy, and a cold-blooded determination to claim what he believes is rightfully his.

The novel explores the enduring power of fear and superstition, demonstrating how these primal emotions can be manipulated to achieve nefarious ends.​ Holmes, a beacon of logic and reason, challenges the grip of the supernatural, reminding readers that even the most baffling mysteries often have rational explanations.

Beyond its thrilling plot, «The Hound of the Baskervilles» offers insightful commentary on themes of class, inheritance, and the corrupting influence of power.​ The novel exposes the dark underbelly of seemingly idyllic rural life, revealing the hidden motives and desires lurking beneath the surface of respectability.​

«The Hound of the Baskervilles» remains a timeless classic, captivating readers with its atmospheric setting, compelling characters, and masterful blend of suspense and deduction. It serves as a testament to the enduring power of a well-crafted mystery and the timeless appeal of Sherlock Holmes, whose brilliance continues to captivate readers generations after his creation.​

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